Somerset Historical Society

Our Mission
The Somerset Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the history of Somerset and the surrounding area for today and the future.
We are a private 501c3 organization funded by grants and the generosity of our members and the community.
History of the Somerset Historical Society
The Somerset Historical Society was formed in 1955 and the Selectman announced the Society would be housed in the water department building on Main Street. This building is the old Mount Hope Iron Works office and currently houses SATV. A seal was adopted in 1959 by Allison Macomber and Mrs. Charles Mosher was the curator and operated out of two beautiful trunks, one of which held baby and children's clothes from her own family. Due to a lack of funding, artifact donations, and volunteers, meetings were discontinued in 1968.
In 1974 the Society decided to reoganize and a call went out to former members to attend a meeting on October 7, 1974. Warren Goff was elected president and Mrs. Irving Watters, vice president. James Bradbury was made curator of the small collection. Over the next two years people became aware of the Society and donations and artifacts flowed in, possibly due to the interest in the Bicentennial which the Society was actively promoting.
The Society moved to the Village School after the school was closed and has been housed there since. In 1988 the museum was named the James E. Bradbury Museum and has continued to acquire artifacts and donations. Our current membership stands at about 200 members.
Hours of Operation
By Appointment December to February
Reopens March 1, 2025 Every Saturday from 9:00 am to Noon or by Appointment.
Flea Market Open year round on the first and third Saturday of the month: 9:00 am - 12:00pm
Somerset Historical Society
P O Box 53
Somerset, MA 02726
Street address; 274 High Street
Somerset, MA
Phone: 508-675-9010